The Bare-Non® Modesty Apron has been pioneered and designed to protect and preserve the modesty and dignity of patients.

The Apron has a multitude of uses enabling the practitioner to carry out different examinations, or investigations, including cardiac and respiratory examinations as well as electrocardiography and echocardiography.

The design of the Apron is such that the practitioner can easily perform such examinations or investigations without unduly exposing the patient.

The split in the centre of the Apron allows access to the abdomen and in the event of an emergency the Apron can be easily removed by extending the split giving instant access to the chest.

An innovative crimped neckline ensures one-size fits all.

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The Bare-Non® Modesty Apron is a low-cost, hypo-allergenic, single use disposable garment which comes individually wrapped in a recyclable paper pouch. The garment is easy to use and comfortable to wear and enables the practitioner to perform a full examination without unnecessarily exposing the patient.

There are many instances where a patient can benefit from wearing a Bare-Non® Modesty Apron such as spinal examinations and orthopaedic upper limb examinations, mammography and radiological investigations, echocardiography and electrocardiography, cardiac and respiratory examinations and pre-operative assessment.

The Bare-Non® Modesty Apron can also be used in an immediate post-operative scenario especially in an “open ward” intensive care setting where the patient often needs to be exposed to access chest drains and ECG leads. In such environments there is generally only a curtain to pull around the patient so small steps in modesty protection should be mandatory.

The Bare-Non® Modesty Apron is also of benefit to a young adult when being examined especially where there may be several other people in the room. As well as the medical practitioner there might also be parents, a chaperone and possibly even junior doctors or medical students.

The use of a Bare-Non® Modesty Apron should be considered as a cost-effective device in helping to alleviate the need for chaperone services thereby releasing a valuable resource back to direct patient care.

To view the product animation showing the new Bare-Non Modesty Apron click here

To view our new Product Educational Video click here

“This is so simple, yet so brilliant.”


The Bare-Non® Modesty Apron protects the modesty and dignity of patients, offering triple protection.
